Conspiracy Watch | The Conspiracy Observatory
"Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth"
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Conspiracy Watch | The Conspiracy Observatory

Tag: Russia

Moscow Loses French Elections – At Least For Now

A relentless Kremlin campaign of disinformation and destabilisation aimed at bringing Marine Le Pen’s pro-Putin extreme right party to power in France has failed - for the moment. The upset result in the snap legislative elections placing the Rassemblement National (RN) in third place among parliamentary parties is a significant blow to Russian interests. Even […]
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Conspiracists Well-Placed to Win Big in French Elections

As France prepares to vote in the snap legislative elections’ runoff, with Marine Le Pen’s extreme right, Putin-admiring movement pushing at the gates of power, conspiracy theories are running amok. A clutch of notorious propagators of narratives spanning pro-Kremlin conspiracies, anti-vax theories, climate change denial, QAnon, and Holocaust negation have already been elected outright in […]
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Fake Kremlin Video of “French Soldier” in Ukraine Exposed

The French Embassy in South Africa has used humour and sarcasm to unmask a propaganda video fake being spread by official Moscow accounts purporting to feature a so-called “French soldier/mercenary” being “captured” in Ukraine by Russian forces. The video had been spread by conspiracist accounts claiming Western/Nato forces are already on the ground in Ukraine […]
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Tucker Carlson Platforms Putin's Conspiracy Propaganda

Tucker Carlson’s much-hyped interview with Vladimir Putin was touted by the former Fox news anchor as a serious journalistic endeavour. But it principally offered the Russian President a cosy global platform on Elon Musk's X to promote some of his most-favored conspiracy theories, notably about Ukraine and its western allies. The Russian leader surpassed even […]
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Kémi Séba promotes anti-French sentiments in West Africa

Russia’s strategic move to engage Africa-friendly figures in spreading its propaganda has given rise to a network of Pan-African influencers. This group significantly shapes the pro-Russian narratives in West Africa, particularly advocating for the reduction of French and Western influence in the Sahel, while promoting Russian involvement in the region. A central figure in this […]
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Pro-Kremlin sources spread conspiracy theory alleging US ‘climate weapons’ caused storm in Crimea

A severe storm system moved through the Black Sea this week, impacting occupied Crimea and parts of Ukraine and Russia, leaving millions without heat and power. Amid the storm, pro-Kremlin sources re-circulated an old conspiracy theory suggesting US-based entities were complicit in the storm’s creation. The conspiracy theory accuses the United States of having a technological program that can control the […]
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Russia: How Yevgeny Prigozhin funded Kemi Seba to serve his own African ambitions

‘Project Kemi’ is the name of an operation led by Yevgeny Prigozhin’s teams. Between 2018 and 2019, the founder of the NGO Urgences panafricanistes was at the heart of the strategy to influence Africa led by the head of the Wagner nebula. Kemi Seba’s name appears in dozens of internal documents detailing the contours of […]
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Why conspiracy theorists and the Kremlin echo each other's disinformation

"Look at what they're doing with their own people!" In his address to the nation on February 21, Vladimir Putin accused the West of having made pedophilia "the norm." A wild attack typical of the Kremlin leader, but one which resonated with the most far-out conspiracy circles, such as the QAnon community which spreads disinformation […]
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Zelenskyy, ‘Denazification’ and the Redirection of Holocaust Victimhood

As with many global crises, the online far-right is attempting to frame Russia’s invasion of Ukraine through their existing worldview. Indeed, far-right conspiracy theorists have reacted to the war by doing what they do best; conspire and theorise. Antisemitism remains a central component of the extreme-right worldview. Conspiracy theories such as the Great Replacement are […]
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The secret labs conspiracy: a converging narrative

“The United States has deployed more than 200 military biological laboratories across the world. Among them, more than 30 have been exposed. The rest are hidden in unknown places. They may be right beside you”, an alarming message warned YouTube users in a video shared on the 21st of May. The creators of the video […]
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