Conspiracy Watch | The Conspiracy Observatory
"Repetition does not transform a lie into a truth"
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Conspiracy Watch | The Conspiracy Observatory

Tag: France

Moscow Loses French Elections – At Least For Now

A relentless Kremlin campaign of disinformation and destabilisation aimed at bringing Marine Le Pen’s pro-Putin extreme right party to power in France has failed - for the moment. The upset result in the snap legislative elections placing the Rassemblement National (RN) in third place among parliamentary parties is a significant blow to Russian interests. Even […]
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Conspiracists Well-Placed to Win Big in French Elections

As France prepares to vote in the snap legislative elections’ runoff, with Marine Le Pen’s extreme right, Putin-admiring movement pushing at the gates of power, conspiracy theories are running amok. A clutch of notorious propagators of narratives spanning pro-Kremlin conspiracies, anti-vax theories, climate change denial, QAnon, and Holocaust negation have already been elected outright in […]
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Fake Kremlin Video of “French Soldier” in Ukraine Exposed

The French Embassy in South Africa has used humour and sarcasm to unmask a propaganda video fake being spread by official Moscow accounts purporting to feature a so-called “French soldier/mercenary” being “captured” in Ukraine by Russian forces. The video had been spread by conspiracist accounts claiming Western/Nato forces are already on the ground in Ukraine […]
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Leave Brigitte Macron Alone

A unique product "100 per cent Made in France" has gone global. Except there is no cause for celebration in Paris. The successful export is a vile slander, catapulted across social media by an international extreme right cabal that spans the Atlantic and specializes in French-bashing. Picking up on the repugnant falsehood accusing Brigitte Macron, […]
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French prime minister faces onslaught of online attacks

French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal is grappling with online attacks targeting him from multiple directions. The DFRLab identified a cryptocurrency scam that impersonated a French newspaper Libération to publish a fraudulent article critical of Attal, which was boosted via Meta ads. It also appears that Russia activated its Doppelganger disinformation operation against Attal, employing suspicious X accounts to amplify […]
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Kémi Séba promotes anti-French sentiments in West Africa

Russia’s strategic move to engage Africa-friendly figures in spreading its propaganda has given rise to a network of Pan-African influencers. This group significantly shapes the pro-Russian narratives in West Africa, particularly advocating for the reduction of French and Western influence in the Sahel, while promoting Russian involvement in the region. A central figure in this […]
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Election Conspiracy Theories Grow After Macron Victory

On Sunday night, French President Emmanuel Macron (from La République En Marche! party) was reelected for another five-year mandate with a 17-point lead over his far-right competitor, Marine Le Pen (from the National Rally party). Le Pen conceded in a live televised speech shortly after the results were announced. In a near-simultaneous campaign email, she […]
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